Stenocast Driver

  1. Stenocast Drivers
  2. Stenocast Drivers
  • StenoWorks distributes affordable high-quality stenography machines, accessories, and supplies nationwide. We are a recognized court reporting supplies store.
  • StenoCast Realtime Transcript Viewer: $400 each. Click for details. Wireless to just one client? Priced at just $199, the StenoCast ME2U is an affordable way to offer a wireless realtime connection to just one client. It may be a judge, an attorney, a CART client. The StenoCast ME2U makes it simple. The ME2U looks like a pair of StenoCast USB.

The driver comes packaged with the hardware and the driver on a CD. Once the driver is loaded, you’ve got your interactive realtime feed without cables. The RSA practical exam, in addition to cables, provides an StenoCast X7 option to the candidate taking the exam. Additionally, Quatech USB to Serial Multiadapters and Stenocast wireless are also acceptable alternatives. We have also determined that the following brands WILL NOT work with digitalCAT: Belkin® Kool-Gear® Cypress® Keyspan® Radio Shack® Gigaware® Manhattan® I can’t find the Driver CD that came with my adapter.

The utilities below are compatible with Luminex, Diamante & Wave

Stenograph Writer Utility Installation
Size: 129 MB Date: 3-06-20

Compatible with: Luminex II, Luminex, Luminex CSE, Diamante and Wave writers.
Use this download to install the Stenograph Writer Utility software. The Stenograph Writer Utility software contains the USB Driver Installation files and all utility software. Some of the components of this package can be downloaded individually via the indented links below:

Stenograph Writer USB Drivers
Size: 3.23 MB Date: 8-27-15

This file contains the USB drivers for Stenograph's writers. The Stenograph Install Drivers program runs a wizard to easily install your Stenograph writing machine USB drivers. The USB drivers are for Stenograph writers (Luminex, Diamante, Wave™, élan Mira, élan Cybra, Stentura Fusion and Stentura Protégé) for use with Case CATalyst and other compatible CAT software.

Writer Manager Utility for Luminex II, Luminex and Luminex CSE
Users Size: 2.8 MB Date: 3-06-20

Use the Writer Manager Utility to backup and restore Luminex II settings files.
The Writer Manager Utility provides a quick way to create a backup of steno machine log files. Log file backup is compatible with Luminex II, Luminex and Luminex CSE. In the rare even you receive an error on the writer, Technical Support may ask you to back up the log files and send them to Stenograph.

TrueView® Utility for Luminex/Diamante/Wave
Users Size: 2.64 MB Date: 8-27-15

TrueView® enables you to display a graphical representation of steno outlines and their TrueStroke data generated by the Luminex, Diamante and Wave writers. TrueView helps you analyze your writing results and to understand how the writer has interpreted your strokes. TrueView files are saved and can be reopened for review by scrolling and searching for specific steno or timestamps.

Luminex/Diamante/Wave Splash Screen Loader Utility
Size: 4.37 MB Date: 8-27-15

The Splash Screen Loader Utility allows you to see a photograph of your own choice upon startup of the Diamante. A collection of stock photos is included if you wish to use one of them. Click the above file link and select the Save option. Specify where you want to save the it; for example, the Windows Desktop. After it is saved, unzip it and double click the Splash Loader to begin. Read the Splash Screen Loader PDF document for detailed instructions.

Stenocast driverStenocast driver download

Luminex/RTF2Writer Utility for installing a non-CATalyst Dictionary in a Writer
Size: 948KB Date: 8-27-15

Even if you don’t have Stenograph’s Case CATalyst software, you can enjoy instant translation of your written steno into text on the Luminex, Diamante, élan Mira or Stentura Fusion display screen. Simply create an RTF-CRE personal dictionary and up to seven job dictionaries from your CAT software and use the instructions and the RTF2Writer utility provided.

DateTime to Stentura Format Utility for non-CATalyst CAT Software
Size: 1.15MB MB Date: 8-27-15

Even if you don’t have Case CATalyst 7.02 or higher, you can use the DateTime format in your Luminex, Diamante, élan Mira A3 or Stentura Fusion writer. The DateTime To Stentura program converts Stenograph Writer files that are stored in the date and time format (i.e. 20090710-084528) to Stentura compatible format (File.00X). Once converted, they can be read into your CAT software as usual.

Luminex/Diamante Backup SD Card Reader Utility
Size: 1.4 MB Date: 8-27-15

The Luminex/Diamante Backup Card will only be needed for the rare occasion when a job cannot be found on the Data SD card or internal memory. Click the above file link and select the Save option. See the provided instructions for details.

Wave Get Support Info Utility
Size: 242 KB Date: 8-27-15

In the rare event you experience an issue with your Wave, a log file is created for that issue. The Get Support Info utility provides a method of retrieving the log files from the Wave to your computer to assist Stenograph’s Technical Support Department in diagnosing the issue.

BlueSoleil Version7.0.496.9 (Luminex Users Only, Requires Latest Luminex Build)

Size: 111 MB Date: 8-8-17

Bluetooth software for Luminex Bluetooth Kit. To install this update please follow these instructions:

1. Uninstall any previous versions of BlueSoleil on your computer. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel and then the option to uninstall a program.

2. Right click the BlueSoleil Version 7.0.496.9 and select Save Target As or Save As to save the zip file to your computer.

3. Open the install file and double click the Setup.exe file and follow the prompts.

4. Once installed, insert the Bluetooth adapter into a USB port and reboot your computer.

Additional information can also be found in the Bluetooth Wireless Guide.

BlueSoleil Version7.0.348.1 (Diamante Users Only)

Size: 60 MB Date: 5-5-10
Bluetooth software for Diamante Bluetooth Kit. To install this update please follow these instructions:

1. Uninstall any previous versions of BlueSoleil on your computer. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel and then the option to uninstall a program.

2. Download and save the update file on your computer.

3. Open the Install folder and double-click the setup.exe file to install the software.

The file and additional information can also be found on BlueSoliel's Web site.

IMPORTANT: Please call support for installation help

Stenograph Writer USB Protocol
Size: 10.3 KB Date: 2-08-16

Attention CAT software vendors: The Stenograph Writer USB Protocol is now available for all CAT vendors to implement into their software. Download this zip file to receive the protocol description and sample code.

Stenocast Drivers

Bluetooth Wireless Guide
Size: 758 KB Date: 5-20-09

PDF version of the Stenograph Bluetooth Wireless Guide for the élan Mira, Stentura Fusion, élan Cybra and Stentura Protégé.

Stenocast Drivers

élan Mira WiFi Wireless Communication Guide
Size: 994K Date: 05-28-08

PDF version of the élan Mira WiFi Wireless Communication Guide.

The utility below is for Case CATalyst

OpusToWav Conversion Program
If you are not using Case CATalyst Version 20 or higher and have been given an Opus audio file, you may use the OpusToWav Conversion Program to convert the Opus audio file to Wav format. The Wav format file will not automatically synchronize to the Case CATalyst transcript. If you are using Case CATalyst Version 20 or higher, there is no need to convert the Opus file to Wav format. The Opus file will play and be synchronized with the Case CATalyst transcript. Instructions for using the OpusToWav Conversion Program are available in the Readme file provided with the download.
Size: 2MB Date: 02-28-19
Are you sick of cables being strewn across the conference table?Serial connections are becoming a thing of the past.As technology progresses and operating systems change, technological advancements are giving realtime court reporters another alternative to providing interactive realtime services.
Wireless interactive realtime is a collaborative event.In order to have a successful experience with wireless realtime, we suggest you follow these tips.
#1)Preparation before the proceedings – for both attorneys and reporters
·What interactive realtime software is counsel using?Depending on the limitations of the software will determine what hardware and software the reporter will need to make a good connection.
oCaseViewNet – used in conjunction with LexisNexis – Allows Rapid Refresh so that every change a court reporter makes within the file, counsel gets the benefit of that change.Arrive late, you get the entire file. Files are transferred via WiFi.
oStenoCast – Wireless feed using a “serial” thumb drive which is compatible with all interactive realtime software.Drivers must be loaded on the receiving notebook for the thumb drive to work.Does not allow Rapid Refresh.
oFile transfer for both “wireless” feeds are secure and password protected.
·Have the software and drivers downloaded on counsel’s notebook before the proceeding.Most CR agencies will be happy to visit with IT personnel at counsel’s site beforehand to test the connection and drivers.Trying to set up the day of the deposition can be stressful, especially if you are new to wireless realtime.
·Reporters should always keep the most updated software and drivers on a thumb drive in case there is no Internet connection onsite.
·Counsel should provide the court reporter with as much terminology beforehand so that he/she can add it to the dictionary.The more information the reporter has, the cleaner the first pass transcript and be better experience for counsel.
·Everyone should arrive early the day of the deposition to set up.You may have to troubleshoot the connection so allow sufficient time for this to take place.If the equipment fails, court reporters should bring throw down netbooks, notebooks or iPads (CaseViewNet APP coming soon) to ensure all counsel get the realtime feed they requested.You know your equipment will work.
#2)Accepting the realtime feed
·As the certified reporter is writing the testimony, counsel’s computer will see exactly what is being written on his computer.The interactive software will allow you to mark testimony, make notes and annotations, copy and paste, and even print.Some packages even have an interactive concordance that builds as the testimony continues.
#3)At the end of the day
·At the conclusion of the deposition, you have the option of saving the testimony on your notebook for future reference.Since it is an uncertified rough draft, the file will be replaced with the certified transcript upon completion.Note that all notes and annotations made to the uncertified rough transcript will be transferred to the final transcript.
As you can see, Step #1 is the key to making a successful connection.We are available to assist you in any way necessary to ensure a successful connection.